
Problem Checklist

Problem Checklist

Check the appropriate responses whether they describe you at home, school or work.
A little/Rarely
Often/Very Often
1. I am a good speaker, but when I read, the words and letters seem to jump around on the page
2. I lose my place easily when I am reading
3. I have trouble pronouncing long words
4. I have trouble sounding out new words
5. I understand a story better if someone reads it to me
6. I usually remember verbal instructions, but have to read things several times before I understand them
7. I remember things I hear, but misspell small words as often as big words
8. I can spell the same word several ways in the same story
9. I remember faces but have trouble remembering people’s
10. I can sound out words, but I don’t remember what words look like
11. I sometimes reverse letters or numbers, or get them in the wrong order
12. It takes me a while to find my way around a new place
13. I have trouble judging distances
14. I confuse left and right
15. Driving is something I have always avoided
16. I have excellent reading abilities, but trouble remembering multiplication tables
17. I can’t figure out what formulas to use in math questions
18. I know what to do in math questions, but I get the calculations wrong if I don’t use a calculator
19. I write well, but have trouble figuring out what they’re asking in math word problems
20. I make mistakes when working through math problems that have several steps
21. I lose my place when copying from the blackboard or an overhead
22. I organize my spoken conversation well, but my handwriting is hard for other people to read
23. I have trouble finding things on a cluttered desk
24. Jigsaw puzzles are something I’ve always avoided
25. I have trouble finding the right place to fill in information on forms
26. I respond well to written instruction, but have trouble understanding what people are saying to me, especially when they speak quickly
27. If a job is broken up into small chunks, I perform better.
28. I have trouble thinking of the right word to say or write, even when I know the word
29. I write well but get confused when I’m trying to explain things to people.
30. I express myself better when speaking than when writing
31. I have lots of good ideas in meetings, but other people don’t understand what I am trying to say in my writing
32. I learn best when someone shows me what to do
33. I have trouble getting my ideas down on paper
34. I get confused when I’m trying to do too many things at once
35. It takes me a while to figure things out
36. I have trouble judging how much time tasks are going to take to complete
37. I am often late getting places
38. I don't finish writing tests within the given time
39. I get along with people, but I sit by myself at lunch
40. I love social gatherings, but tend to interrupt discussions
41. I zone out, my mind wanders, or I get distracted by my own thoughts
42. It’s hard to stay focused on tasks (studying, homework), and even fun things (TV)
43. I fidget with my hands/feet, squirm, or find it hard to sit still
44. People have told me that I talk a lot
45. It’s hard for me to start or switch tasks once I’ve started
46. I have difficulty remembering the order that must be followed when I am given instructions